Speakers And Leaders - "speaking and leading for a better world"

Delivering humans from the fear of public speaking so that they may speak and lead effectively

SAL Public Speaking

About SAL

SAL was established so that all humans may have access to an effective and affordable platform to learn public speaking and leadership skills
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We offer an easy-to-follow progress track consisting of 8 levels with 5 levels focusing on public speaking and 3 levels focusing on leadership
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Join an existing club or start your own club with 10 members or more. It is hassle-free and value-for-money. Let us guide you with the registration.
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Why Choose SAL

The benefits are too good and true!

You know where you are going

With our streamlined and efficiently-crafted progress track, you know exactly where you are and where you are going. You will encounter many exciting projects on this journey, and you will find yourself being transformed into an all-rounded speaker and leader.

You learn real techniques

In SAL, you will have access to high-quality learning materials which have been tested and proven to be effective. These materials contain detailed tips and techniques (not just general principles) which you can apply in your professional career and daily life as a speaker and leader.

You get to do what you love

Those who join a public speaking club desire mainly to speak before an audience. In SAL, we maximize the opportunity to speak. Even leadership projects include many public speaking components. The more stage time you get, the better you become as a speaker.

You save money

With an annual membership fee as low as RM150 (per person), members will have full access to the SAL programme. No club set-up fee, plus a dedicated mentor is assigned to each club. We really want to make it value-for-money and help as many people as possible.

Want to know how we can help you develop as a speaker and leader?

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