
Progress at your own pace through 8 levels

How the Programme Works

We offer an easy-to-follow progress track consisting of 8 levels. The first 5 levels focus on public speaking. The next 3 levels focus on leadership with emphasis on public speaking in leadership. Public speaking comes before leadership because it is a prerequisite for effective leadership.

The 8 levels are as follows:
1. Competent Speaker Level 1
2. Competent Speaker Level 2
3. Accomplished Speaker Level 1
4. Accomplished Speaker Level 2
5. Distinguished Speaker
6. Capable Leader Level 1
7. Capable Leader Level 2
8. Eminent Leader

Each level consists of a number of projects to be completed. After completing the required projects, a member may apply for the award (comes with a verifiable digital certificate).

All learner’s manuals and guidebooks are made available to members free of charge in PDF format. Members are free to print the materials for personal use.

SAL is a self-directed learning platform. Members progress at their own pace.

The local club is where the action takes place. A typical club meets twice a month for about 2 hours. This is a platform for members to deliver speeches and conduct other activities.

Note: The local club may elect to operate in any language. However, only materials in English are provided for the time being.

Overview of 8 Levels

Capable Leader Level 1

Capable Leader Level 1 (#6)

In this level, members will learn to lead a project within their respective organizations and pick up the skills to be an effective master of ceremony

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Eminent Leader

Eminent Leader (#8)

In this level, members will learn to lead an important cause for the benefit of humanity and pick up the skills to be a successful public speaking trainer

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