
A big step towards your future success

Register a New Club

The basic unit in SAL is the club. Anyone may register a new club with a minimum of 10 members.

The annual membership fee is RM150 per person, which translates to an initial commitment of RM1,500 for 10 members. There is no set-up fee or other charges. The local club may collect additional fees to cover venue rental and other costs.

Clear guidelines are provided so that clubs are able to self-manage. A dedicated (paid) mentor will be assigned to each club. Graphic materials are also provided in soft copy (club banner, certificate template, etc.)

Age requirement for membership

The mininum age requirement for membership is 18 years. However, those who are slightly younger may be considered for membership if they are mature and able to mingle with adults.

Join as a Member of an Existing Club

The annual membership fee is RM150. Please contact the club for the pro-rated rate calculated based on the number of months remaining before the club registration expires. You will pay RM12.50 for each remaining month.

Existing clubs are listed below.

List of Existing Clubs